Ubuntu Feisty

Finally Ubuntu (7.04) Feisty came to live. I started to like Ubuntu because it is very easy to use just like it states it is “Linux for human beings”. (Un)fortunately a few days after the release the harddisk of my development machine crashed. This meant i was out of order for a few days to get everything up and running again. The obvious choice for the OS was Ubuntu Feisty.
The installation procedure went as smooth as you could imagine. And for a day i was very happy. But then i wanted to use specific programs and settings which were not so well supported.
For example:
For developing with Ruby i use RadRails. RadRails uses a java virtual machine and is a subset of eclipse IDE. No problem so far. But because i was having some problems with getting RadRails to work together with svn using the javahl i decided to give it a go with eclipse, because also eclipse has some ruby plugins available. I used the apt-get to install eclipse. This installs a new jdk which is then also used by Radrails. This resulted in not beeing able to search in files anymore and every java application went into turtle mode (slow). It seemed it was shipped with java-gcj ?**?? so after half a day trying different things i decided to use the SUN jdk again. I worked, and pretty fast to…
The second problem was configuring apache2 to handle https. For that you need a certificate..Only the script for generating the script was left out of Feisty, meaning that a lot of the tutorials did not apply anymore. After a long search i found a post on this site saying he had an easy solution by using the a file called apache2-ssl.tar.gz… thanx again man….

public transportation reaching destination (NL)

The period of being a student seems way back for me. I’ve gotten used to driving a car and not depending on public transportation (pt), but sometimes using pt does have its advantages… like you’re able to have few drinks and still go around. So a week ago i went to a concert which was not in my hometown so i had to use pt for that matter. After the concert i would stay for the night in a small city. We would first go by train and followed by a small trip by bus. Which was supposed to be a trip of 50 minutes turned out to a trip of 1,5 hour. First the train arrived to late. Because the train was late, we missed the bus by a few minutes (nice communication) . So we had to wait outside in the freezing cold. And at that moment i reaaaaaaalllllyyyy missed my car.
I know the government is trying to get everybody to use pt….but be real.. why would i ever want to do that?… it is still not a good alternative…. we’ve got things pretty well worked out in NL, but somehow pt is not part of that…. sweet car
(i drive a toyota starlet)

Php module extensions loading problem

Sometimes you want to try new things, so i decided to get a web-mail typ of thing running. By doing so i had to put my head into php again (more into ruby nowadays). But anyway i needed some modules to get loaded. No problem i figured… checked everything, made the adjustments.. but no voila 🙁 . Although i was sure path setting were ok, it still did not work. After searching the web for a while i ran into the following . The person Anon mentioned something about checking the dll’s you’re trying to load with a program called depends.exe …. and among all the rubbish found during the search, this on worked…Thanx man 🙂

Virtual worlds

Ok ok i am not to fond on the concept of making virtual worlds and getting people to live in there… I tried it a few times with ‘second life’ and to be honest.. i thought it really sucked. Bad graphics, unnatural response of the surroundings as well as the character.
But now with the introduction of the sony ps3, i think a have to revise my opinion. I saw a movie about ps3’s home concept.
Check it out…
it’s another motivation to buy a ps3


2 weeks ago this server was hacked. I was unfortunate to have an old version of realvncrunning which made me vulnerable, since the old version contained a bug which could lead to access without using a password.
This machine is a private server, so i don’t check it every day. But on a morning i started to notice a lot of traffic going on, so i decided to check what was the cause. I immediately saw things were bad. Someone logged in on the administrator account and several programs where running which i did not install, like an sms program, live messenger, MSservice.exe and a password (brute force) cracking program.
At that time i had to go to work so i had to shut down the machine (just in case). Later that day i tried to reboot it but that is where things got out of hand. During a disk check i found bad sectors a.o. which i could not fix. So after more than a day trying to fix things, but ending up putting a new install… I want to thank the motherf*ckers for not putting a simple textfile on the the desktop saying “Warning we are hackers, and we entered your machine…please fix the problem….evil grinn”

Nice price

This is really uncool. Recently i started looking for a nice laptop and of course i don’t want to buy a new one because they are still too expensive. So i checked sites like marktplaats.nl, 2ehands.nl, speurders.nl to see if anything was around. It did not take me long to find a nice asus w3j for only 500 euros. The only thing i could think of was “I WANT IT”. So after sending the seller an email i got the reply like:
My name is Brian Coleman and i live in London Uk.The last price for this item is only 499 euro.
The item is new ,in box with 12 months international warranty .
Here is how I want to go about delivery and payment for the product which will be through Chronopost International and will also give you the chance to inspect the product before I receive the payment for it.
I will explain to you step by step how this will work.
A. First you have to send me your shipping information (your name and address).
1. After I receive your shipping info, I’ll go to a Chronopost International Location and leave the product onto your name and with your address as the intended receiver.
2. Chronopost will check the product, also the legal papers to see that everything is OK with it.
B. You will receive a notification from Chronopost as a confirmation that the product is in their custody and also, that the product has been tested.
1.Chronopost International will verify the Money Transfer, and if everything is in order, they will deliver the product to your door step.
2. After you will receive the product and you will be completely satisfied with it, you will instruct Chronopost to release the payment information to me, so I can collect my money.
C. If by any reason, you will not be satisfied with the product, you will return the product to Chronopost with no expense.
I will pay for shipping and you for the amount transfer.
Let me know if we can do this.

So all well.. but i got bit suspicious about the chronopost, and checked if there

België rules

Na opgravingen in de Russische bodem tot een diepte van 100 meter hebben Russische wetenschappers resten gevonden van koperdraden, met een geschatte leeftijd van zo’n 1000 jaar.
De Russen hebben hieruit de conclusie getrokken dat hun voorouders reeds 1000 jaar geleden beschikten over een koper netwerk!
Om niet achter te blijven zijn Amerikaanse wetenschappers ook hun bodem gaan afgraven waarbij ze op een diepte van 200 meter resten van glasvezels aantroffen.
Deze vezels bleken na onderzoek zo’n 2000 jaar oud te zijn, waaruit de Amerikanen concludeerden dat hun voorouders reeds 2000 jaar geleden al een zeer geavanceerd digitaal glasvezel netwerk in hun bezit hadden. En dat zo’n 1000 jaar voor de Russen Een week later hebben de Belgen het volgende rapport gepubliceerd:
“Na opgravingen in de Belgische bodem, tot op een diepte van 5000 meter, hebben Belgische wetenschappers helemaal niets gevonden.”
De Belgen concluderen hieruit dat zo’n 5000 jaar geleden de oude Belgen reeds in het bezit waren van een draadloos netwerk

Making printable pages 2

As i spended another day on making some page printer friendly, and running into trouble over and over again almost questioning my competence, i started looking for answers and ended up with this page . There seems to be some sort of control over the pages you want to make printable. Up until now i’ve only seen it working on IE, so half the problem is fixed.

Making printable pages

As most people get rid of their printing devices, some people still want to print out some things once in a while. Now as part of the design of a web page one should not leave these people out, but instead try to serve them as much as possible. So that leaves you with no other option but to make a printable page. A view options will arise but the most cleanest one of them all is changing the stylesheet you are using. By including a stylesheet with the parameter media=”print” you can alter the way the page looks once printed. This is a really nice feature with stylesheets. But be carefull not to set sizes of div’s and tables and so on, because your browser most likely won’t be able to scale the page to printable pages leaving you (or the printing person) with an awfull looking page.