Programmer Anarchy

Programmer Anarchy is a concept that has been around for about the last year, is considered “post-Agile”, has so far been evangelised by Fred George and says that software development is more productive when programmers are “self organised”.

Agile is implemented in a wide variety of ways, from a kind of religious dogma, to a model that is fairly close to waterfall but with stand-ups and scrum masters through to the “Thoughtworks approved” approach. One thing I have found as a recruiter is that it takes a team of very high quality developers to make a truly Agile methodology work successfully.

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By Martin Jee

Lean from the Trenches

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Henrik Kniberg once again was able to capture the essence of Lean with practical examples. Just like “Scrum from the Trenches” this book should be on your bookshelf if you’re into Agile and Lean software development.

Kanban and Scrum

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Not remotely as good as “Scrum from the trenches”. Lacks clear focus and depth.

Then again it’s does not require a lot of time to read through it, and it is available as free download.


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Every family has a story, Mal was ours.

Not bad for a first novel. Keep them coming…

The Signal and The Noise

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The chances of me reading this book again are slim. The book really takes of in chapter 8 (at which point you’re already halfway through the book).
A bit less verbose would suit this book well. It would surely boost the relevance of the information.
If Nate was able to convey the same message, but using only half the volume, I definitely recommend reading it.


De kunst van het omdenken is de kunst van het reframing. Hoe een probleem als een oplossing doen laten lijken.

More and less

The more we know, the less seems possible.
Filling in the details usually increases the complexity and rules out options.

Contradictory to and a variation on the well known saying:
The more we know the less we understand

Thinking, Fast and Slow

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Be ready to use a dictionary. It is not easy reading, but the information is very valuable.
Probably have to read it twice to get a good grip on the topic.