Virgin Active Core Values

Woowww have a look at the core values of Virgin Active. It wasn’t up until a few weeks ago that I actually noticed them. They were written on the wall near the entrance on one of their locations, a writting in white on a large red wall, so I am not sure how I could have missed them.

Every company should have something simular to this. It explanes why you’d want to get involved with a company

  • Excellent customer service
  • Fun
  • Innovation
  • Value for money
  • Challenging the norm

p.s. I am pretty sure Ikea has simular values.

Applying Scrum to Legacy Systems

A Tale of Two Projects

It was best of times, it was the worst of times…  

There were two projects – Project “A” was a greenfield project, with highly motivated, highly skilled Software Architects & Developers who either had a lot of experience with Agile Scrum or were very open to learning about it.  

The Product Owner was fully engaged and worked diligently to create a well defined set of User Stories that could be easily broken down into Story Points.  As this was a greenfield project, we were not distracted by support issues.  In addition, the project had, albeit after some convincing, good management support.

Project 'A'

Whereas Project “B” was the Spaghetti Monster project that was the result of years of mismanagement, misunderstandings with patches patched on top of patches, poor source control and deployment processes and poor engagement between the software development team and the client.  

To make it even more interesting, Project “B” was a core, mission critical system with a large user base (who were not happy or no longer engaged), and suffered frequent outages, slow performance and provided a poor user experience.


The Lean Startup

[openbook booknumber=”9780307887894″]

Excellent reading. It provided me with great new insights on business growth models and how to analyse data. Terms like vanity-data and pseudo-science have made it to my library and I am afraid I’ll have to use the frequently.

Shame on me for not reading the book any earlier.

Flat is the new up

Businesses regularly evolve to meet modern new challenges, so why do they rely on the same old military-style organizational hierarchies? Here are a few companies that have adopted new structures to try to inspire workers and make the companies more agile.


Suuns – Images Du Futur

Images Du Futur

1. Powers of Ten
2. 2020
3. Minor Work
4. Mirror Mirror
5. Edie’s Dream
6. Sunspot
7. Bambi
8. Holocene City
9. Images Du Futur
10. Music Won’t Save You

Suuns - Images Du Futur

Bettie serveert – Palomine


1. Leg
2. Palomine
3. Kid’s Allright
4. Brain-Tag
5. Tom Boy
6. Under The Surface
7. Balentine
8. This Thing Nowhere
9. Healthy Sick
10. Sundazed To The Core
11. Palomine (Small)

Bettie serveert - Palomine

I just could not resist buying this classic.

Ubuntu Unity Custom Launch Items

Want to add a custom lauch-icon to your lauchbar?

First create an old school icon item

gnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new

Next move the icon you’ve just created to the bucket where most launchers are kept

sudo mv my_icon.desktop /usr/share/applications/

Next launch your program and lock it to the lauchbar.