Xtreamer Ultra

Beauty from within


  • Size (A nice small box that will fit anywhere)
  • Performance (check it out!!)
  • Price (Only € 250 .. keep in mind that shipping and VAT is not included)


  • OS (To slow, you’re better of running your own OS or live CD)
  • Quality accessories (One of the keyboard buttons does not work as expected)
  • Manual (Very minimalistic and online documentation looks unprofessional)
  • Looks (A bit of an ugly duck)

Overall I am very pleased with this gadget…
Do read the comments!!!

Middenstand v.s. supermarkt

Al enige tijd erger ik me aan de kwaliteit van de groeten en fruit in de supermarkten. Ergens heb ik het gevoel dat er iets scheef groeit en dat de uitgangspunten die de supermarkt in de jaren 80 heeft geholpen de normale middenstand te beconcurreren, uit het oog zijn verloren.
Daar waar in het begin zowel voorraad, kwaliteit als prijs in het voordeel van de supermarkten was zie ik steeds vaker dat 2 van die pillaren niet meer aanwezig zijn; kwaliteit en voorraad.
Door de grote stunt-acties en de daardoor dalende prijzen worden we nog meer naar de supermarkt gelokt, maar zien daarbij niet dat we de prijs zelf betalen.
Zeker bij de kleinere ‘snel snel’ supermarkt lijkt dit het geval te zijn.

Liever ga ik weer eens naar de groenteman op de hoek die mij lekkere groente en fruit verkoopt en mij adviseert en assisteert.
De prijs…het mag wat mij betreft dan ook wel iets meer kosten.

Where good ideas come from

[openbook booknumber=”9781594487712″]

In “where good ideas come from” Johnson explains the premises of ideas. It is not an instructional book for creating great ideas, like a cookbook tells you how to make a nice apple-pie. He take a great deal of inspiration from nature as a basis for creating environments where ideas can flourish. No wonder that one in particular, Darwin’s “Origin of species”, servers as a guiding line throughout the book.
Many historical inventions are discussed for building his case.

* The Adjacent Possible
* Liquid networks
* The slow hunch
* Serendipity
* Error
* Exaptation
* Platforms


[openbook booknumber=”9780061241895″]

Yes is a rough collection of persuasion techniques. This one give a more detailed and more fundamental explanation of what causes the Click and Wrill. I found it not easy readable especially if you compare it with the book of Gladwell and Pink.
Nevertheless it contains enough useful hits and knowledge that is worth reading

The Vaccines – What Did You Expect From…

What Did You Expect From the Vaccines

1. Wreckin’Bar (Ra Ra Ra)
2. If You Wanna
3. A Lack Of Understanding
4. Blow It Up
5. Wetsuit
6. Norgaard
7. Post Break-Up Sex
8. Under Your Thumb
9. All In White
10. Wolf Pack
11. Family Friend
The vaccines

Kurt Vile – Smoke ring for my halo

Smoke ring for my halo

1. Baby’s Arms
2. Jesus Fever
3. Puppet To The Man
4. On Tour
5. Society Is My Friend
6. Runner Ups
7. In My Time
8. Peeping Tomboy
9. Smoke Ring For My Halo
10. Ghost Town
11. Shell Blues
Kurt Vile - Smoke ring for my halo


Books and information management

Whenever I read an interesting book, a funny feeling creeps in. This feeling can be best described as “Whaaaa I have to remember this phrase or that detail because……”.
The problem is that a really interesting book has many of these details, hence triggering this funny feeling over and over again.

I know you can put markers on the pages such as folding the edges.. but i don’t want to ruin the book, nor do I want to read the whole page again to look for the interesting part.

So what to do…..


Now whenever I start reading a book I make sure the first page is fitted with a dozen mini post-it’s
This enables me to quickly make a note and stick it to the page.
Therefore taking away the anxiety of forgetting pieces of information.

After I’m done reading I collect all the post-its and write down the corresponding page numbers just in case I want to put the phrase or detail into context.

Then I group the post-its and stick it to a black paper… creating a sort of mind-map.

This way I have a quick overview of the most interesting part of the book, how the are connected and a reference to where it originates from.