Zen Mind, Beginners Mind

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A bit to abstract for my taste. Perhaps I am not Buddha ready.
Bottom line:

  • Everything is transient
  • Take things as they are, focus on now
  • Practice Zazen
  • Problems are a delusion and perpetual
  • Work with a empty mind, focus only on one thing

Sales on a beermat

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Simple, comprehensive and a good starting point for any entrepreneur or organisation looking to get a grip on their sales efforts. Could do with an update.


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You should not want to read this book for the authors writing skills, because it really badly written. But if you’re somehow able to read between the lines, you’ll discover quite a few gold nuggets. Not sure if there is a 30-minutes version of this book, but if there is then skip to that straight away.

Lean from the Trenches

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Henrik Kniberg once again was able to capture the essence of Lean with practical examples. Just like “Scrum from the Trenches” this book should be on your bookshelf if you’re into Agile and Lean software development.

Kanban and Scrum

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Not remotely as good as “Scrum from the trenches”. Lacks clear focus and depth.

Then again it’s does not require a lot of time to read through it, and it is available as free download.


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Every family has a story, Mal was ours.

Not bad for a first novel. Keep them coming…