Het diner
[openbook booknumber=”9041413685″]
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Not the best.. but easy readable and inspiring.
[openbook booknumber=”0618620117″]
Worth reading a second time.
[openbook booknumber=”0316346624″]
After reading “Blink” this is a disappointment. There is no real clear line and a lot of times you’re overwhelmed by stated facts.
[openbook booknumber=”0321607376″]
I expected somewhat more about the principles behind creating a good design with interaction models… instead it just focusses the things a (interaction) designer might run into as he starts working at a company. Lots of stuff on processes and how to fit design into the processes.
[openbook booknumber=”9780321579362″]
[openbook booknumber=”032145345X”]
Nice, simple and well explained.
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[openbook booknumber=”0321603605″]
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