LG 42PJ350

I just bought a LG 42PJ350 plasma tv. My previous tv was still the good old tube tele so i thought it was time for a replacement.
After wandering around at Saturn and Mediamarkt looking comparing, looking again etc I soon realised I would not be needing a high end tv.

My considerations:
Full HD or not
I mainly use it for watching movies and series (downloads). Most tv’s are full HD but who cares?. In the netherlands full Hd content is not widely available and my downloads are max 720p. So the 1024×720 works perfect.
Even if I connect it to the old cable antenna the pictures are bright and vivid. I cannot imagine a full HD could have outperformed this.

Plasma, LCD or LED
Plasma is well known for it’s projection of black. However LCD did catch up (at least that is what the salesmen will tell you). Not sure about that so i do prefer the plasma.
LED…well the only few full LED screens are to expensive..all the others are fake?. It seems to me LED is just another marketing word.
Mirroring of the screen is one of the drawbacks of a plasma. But once you go to the store and see for yourself you will notice most screen suffer from reflection… especially LED’s 😉

But what about the power consumption… In several stores i did see the comparison on power consumption between plasma and LCD. Yes LCD is more economical but it is only blip (5% difference or so) and besides i don’t have the tv on whole day. Got other stuff to do as well.

Whoepss… it is 2010 and now it is time for 3D. Sure wearing glasses, being able watch a movie with friends.. o hold on they don’t have special 3D glasses…. NO3D

Internet WHY??
I got my tv hooked up to a mediacenter. I really really just need a tv that is … a tv…

Why did i buy the LG 42PJ350: I wanted a non full hd plasma with a nice design. The reviews were greate and it came in cheap.

I will just sit and wait enjoying my new tv.. until the next revolutionary tv becomes main stream.

p.s. bought it at http://www.plattetvdiscounter.nl/

One response to “LG 42PJ350”

  1. I have watched several movie clips from the CES in Vegas this year on youtube and I was really curious about this new PJ350 series from LG. Now I have seen these TVs are available and bought one with 42Inch from Vanns. A really good decision, it’s a very good TV. Deep blacks, natural colors, I love it!

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